All five prayers are held daily at Masjid 'Eesa Ibn Maryam. Imam Nouh Kawkab leads prayers in our spacious prayer hall. With his calming and beautiful recitation, Masha Allah, you will truly focus on and enjoy your prayer. A calendar with prayer times is updated monthly and available in paper and online. In addition, notifications are made if prayers are combined for a legal reason, such as inclement weather.
Salatul-Jummah (Friday Prayer)is held every Friday at 1:15 P.M. at Masjid Eesa. Our dynamic khateebs speak about varied and engaging topics related to Islam and its application in our lives. We also have spacious accommodation for sisters attending Friday prayer.More info . . .
During Ramadan, Iftar is provided monthly for the community. We aim to highlight the multicultural diversity we have as Muslims, and have foods from many different regions of the world throughout the month. Iftar at Masjid 'Eesa is a unique experience, and a fantastic way to bond with the community and make some new friends!
Tarawih prayer is led by Imam Nouh Kawkab and Imam Houd Kawkab. Every night, a short enlightening talk is given. The Quran recitation is completed in Ramadan. Suhoor is also provided in the last 10 nights of Ramadan along with i'tikaf.RAMADAN 2024 INFO
Both'Eid-ul-Adhaand'Eid-up-Fitrprayers are held at Masjid 'Eesa ibn Maryam. It’s a festive community affair, with refreshments, gifts for children in the community, and a khutbah delivered by our beloved khateebs.
Masjid 'Eesa also collectszakat-ul-fitr.In addition, we invite our reverts to a welcoming meal at one of the homes in our community, to help strengthen their bond with the community.
“When a person gets married he has completed half of his religion...”
Nikah is one of the most important part in any Muslim’s life. Masjid ‘Eesa is pleased to provide Nikah services for the community. Please complete theformand we will reach out to you shortly.